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Baidu Ads Type

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Baidu Search Ads

Based on the Baidu search engine, show your ads when people search for keywords related to what you offer. Pay when people interact with your ad such as clicking.

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Trigged by Keywords
Accurately reach potential users with keywords
Search Network
The largest search engine in China with 6 billion searches per day.
Fast Visibility
Quickly create visibility for your brand in China
Advertising Formats Wap

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Shenzhen office: Room 2801, Kingdee Software Park, No. 2 Keji South 12th Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
Hong kong office: Room 8654, 86/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong
London Office: 1 The Causeway, London TW11 0HB
(+86) 755 8696 7625
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